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React — create-react-app
Components in a project
1. `index.html` is loaded when accessed
2. When `index.html` is loaded, `index.js` is loaded and executed.
3. app component is loaded and displayed in `index.js`.
Files related to what is displayed on the screen
public folder
This is the HTML file that is displayed when accessing the site. This is the HTML file that is displayed when you access the site. In this file, the basic elements related to the screen display are summarized.
src folder
A script that serves as the paste for the application
Style sheet used in index.js
Component that is embedded in index and is actually displayed on the screen
Style sheet for App component
`<noscript>` is what is displayed when the environment does not allow JavaScript to work.
`<div id=”root”></div>` is a tag to incorporate React’s display